Life in Singapore is so fast and hectic that I do not realise that it has been exactly two years since I have gotten married. It seem like it was just yesterday that I was just married. 2 years on, I have a kid, a house, small car and a good job... But anyway back to my wedding anniversary..
I went shopping with my buddy Sean for a wallet for my wife. Nothing fancy, just a simple wallet that does not cost that much... Pass it to her later that day and oh my she love it instantly.. I knew my wife too well.....

We then dash for a quick dinner at Fish & Co at IMM.. Need to rush home to baby Hariz.. We had Seafood Platter for two.. OMG.. The food is too much man.... I had diarhea after the dinner due to stuffing too much food ..
When we reached home that night.. Baby was very cooperative.. He slept immediately as we reached home.. I took this opportunity to play the DVD of our wedding day again and relieve the chaotic but joyful day that we experience exactly two years ago.. It can be really fun watching the DVD again.. Bring back plenty of memories..
The one and oni
after reading the whole darn entry, my question is still not answered...wats the brand of the wallet man!!! LOL
and wah lao, dun even respond to my comments lor, so boring! is it becos its annonymous??? dude, im sure u can guess its me rite!!lol
cant believe im reading ur blog huh?? =D
ok ok gtg, lesson in abt ten mins!
Its Renoma.. Not that branded and not that cheapskate lah...
u sure are lucky you got my sis!!!! LOL
Glad Shiring loves the wallet that you have chosen for her.
Admire your love and thoughfulness towards your wife.
Keep loving her and your charming son!
Glad to know shirin is loving her wallet...
but im sure she loves it more if its gucci or coach or ferragamo.
oh well, if its just the thought that counts, next time lets just consider getting her a plastic bag to keep her money shall we? muahhahahahah
ok ok gotta mark
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