Went for this wedding luncheon at Bedok South Ave 3. As you can see this particular wedding is slightly different from other wedding as it was conducted at an open space with tents put up equip with fans and lights. It is quite grand and definitely quite expensive compared to those held below the void deck... The food was quite good. Really enjoy the 'makan' session there.. The place is nicely decorated and feels like an outdoor wedding events. Simple wonderful.
the one and oni
previously u had an obsession with weight
now its just jemputan!!! muahahahahha
but cool ah, tents and all. cant believe u looked like shite to attend such a grand wedding. MUAHAAHAHHAHAHA
send my love to hariz
Hey man... It was a last minute thingy okie.. My mum invited me to come along since they are going there.. Darn.. That why precisely Shirin never turn up for the wedding becos she is not ready for it.. But Wat the Heck.. I went cos I care leh...
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