Monday, December 15, 2008

The song I wrote for my Wife

To bring back some good memories of my wedding day.. I have posted this video.. A song I composed for my wifey. I performed it during my wedding day 15th July 2006.. The song entitled "My one and Only" was composed for my beloved wife Shirin .. Let our love remain strong till the end of time my dear!!!


Anonymous said...

i nearly puked my breakfast while watching this...muahahahahaha
but ok ok, shall be nice, now that u are my guitar guru...muahahahah
so yes, very nice, very touching, very heartwarming, very inspiring! LOL
and now i mite just roast in hell for telling such a horrible lie!
just kidding lah!!! wishing u guys marital bliss all the way and yes, continue to inspire me to remain single! muahahahahahah


Please lah.... Its a nice song okie! and your guitar skills need alot of improvement! Practise hard!