This Hari Raya.. The theme is RED.. Thus we manage to get this bamboo carpet for $40.00 was a good catch! My mum brought another design which is slightly bigger for $ 50.00. This design blend in quite nicely in my house!
Anything nice to post, I will religiously try my best to update this blog of mine!
omg u bought the bamboo carpet!!
wel i really think its a bloody original idea, i simply love it, esp since its spill-proof and all.
do be wary ah, cos i feel its not child-proof, pretty slippery for haris. so just take extra precaution when he is on it, near it or around it. LOL
ok dokie
as per norm, ur blog is still bloody boring. LOL!! i was hoping for some raya gossip sia!! MAUHAHAHAH byeeee
haris changed to *hariz
sorry lah, typo error! heh heh
Gossip Raya?? I cant do it lah cos ur sister is the one that have the gossips.... I juz the DRIVER
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